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"Helping Ukrainians Receive Life-Saving Alerts and Information in 13 Languages"


There are over 20 widely-spoken languages in Ukraine and its surrounding countries. Alerting people to threats in a language they understand can save lives.


Implementing Localize allowed Ukraine Siren Alerts to reach more people throughout Ukraine and surrounding countries with vital information and life-saving alerts.

Ukraine Siren Alerts

Ukraine Siren Alerts (UASA) is a web and social media-based organization that notifies users of incoming attacks across Ukraine. The platform uses data from municipalities to alert users via social media, SMS notifications, and the UASA website. Their service also includes news feeds, maps of Russian army positions, maps of shelters in Ukraine, and much more.


Words Translated


Active Projects


Increase in Site Traffic

The Problem

Over 20 languages are spoken in Ukraine and its surrounding countries. This language barrier, coupled with many people’s inability to hear air raid sirens, or having no internet access, puts those in conflict zones at risk. 

From its inception, UASA provided SMS alerts to those who were unable to hear sirens or were without internet access. But, they delivered these in one language only. This meant any non-native speakers could miss out on life-saving alerts.

“You were a saving grace. We desperately needed a platform like Localize,” - Founder of UASA, Bernard Moerdler

The Localize Solution

Localize partnered with UASA to provide translation services that:

  • Added translations for 13 languages and counting
  • Translated these languages in just days

Translated content had an immediate impact:  UASA increased its returning user rate and grew its base in Ukraine and surrounding countries. This localization helped UASA with the following:

  • Attracting new team members and volunteers
  • Securing additional partnerships
  • Furthering its mission of public safety by securing 501c3 status

To make this happen, Localize worked with UASA to ensure they met translation requirements and implemented each feature successfully. Localize also reduced the UASA team’s workload, enabling them to focus on their core product.

Story from the Frontline: Why Speed and Accuracy Matters

A volunteer in Ukraine called into Bernard’s podcast and recounted this story: while driving to a Ukrainian city, he didn’t hear the sirens over the noise of the engine. Fortunately, he received a mobile UASA alert, allowing him to change course and seek safety. He later visited his intended destination, only to find a crater in the ground.

“His story pushes me to continue doing what I’m doing. It’s stories like these that paint a picture of what’s important,” - Founder of UASA, Bernard Moerdler

How you can support:

Localize proudly supports UASA’s mission with pro bono services. You too can support Ukraine Siren Alerts’ vital mission: 

Donate here:

Volunteer here:

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