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Google Tag Manager: Translate Your Website with Google Tag Manager

Effortlessly create a multilingual website and cater to your international customers. This Google Tag Manager integration guide will show you how to translate your website in just a few simple steps.
Auto detect new content for translation
Utilize MTs, your translators, or our LSP's
Support for numerous language pairs

Google Tag Manager: Translate Your Website with Google Tag Manager

Effortlessly create a multilingual website and cater to your international customers. This Google Tag Manager integration guide will show you how to translate your website in just a few simple steps.
Auto detect new content for translation
Utilize MTs, your translators, or our LSP's
Support for numerous language pairs
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Go Global in Minutes: Translate with GTM

Reach a wider audience and unlock new markets. Our seamless Google Tag Manager integration makes translating your website fast and simple. No coding required!

Connect with Customers Worldwide

Build trust and boost engagement by delivering your content in your customers' preferred languages. This Google Tag Manager guide will help you get started with website translation today.

Effortlessly manage translations

Track progress, and ensure accuracy with Localize's powerful platform. Integrate it seamlessly with Google Tag Manager and watch your global reach expand.
Dashboard mockup


Effortlessly Set Up In No Time!

Follow these steps to create a multilingual website using Google Tag Manager translated to other languages for your international customers.

Step 1

Log in to GTM. Navigate to your Workspace or create a new one. Select "New Tag." Choose "Tag Configuration" -> "Discover more tag types..." Search for "Localize TMS Integration" and select it.

Step 2

Click "Add to workspace" -> "Add." Enter your Localize Project Key. Name your tag. Select a trigger to define where Localize should be used. Save your new tag.

Step 3

Visit your website. You should see the Localize language-switching widget. Select a target language and refresh the page. Repeat for each page on your site. Localize will detect new content and add it to your dashboard.

Need Help Implementing Localize for

Read our
Integration Guide
in our Help Center

Frequently Asked Questions

Helping 1000+ Companies Go Global

Reduction in time to market
9 in 10
Traffic increase in target languages
Reduction in human translation costs

Ready to translate your website and content faster?

Get started today.