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Unlock Deeper Insights into Your Multilingual Audience with Heap & Localize

Stop guessing about how users interact with your localized content. With the Localize & Heap integration, you'll gain unparalleled visibility into language selection, page visits, and even subtle hover actions on your language picker.
Auto detect new content for translation
Utilize MTs, your translators, or our LSP's
Support for numerous language pairs

Unlock Deeper Insights into Your Multilingual Audience with Heap & Localize

Stop guessing about how users interact with your localized content. With the Localize & Heap integration, you'll gain unparalleled visibility into language selection, page visits, and even subtle hover actions on your language picker.
Auto detect new content for translation
Utilize MTs, your translators, or our LSP's
Support for numerous language pairs
Book a Demo

Seamlessly Send Key Events to Heap

Understand exactly when and how users switch languages, empowering you to refine your localization strategy.


Track every page visit across different languages, identifying popular content and potential areas for improvement.


Capture subtle engagement with your language picker, uncovering valuable insights about language consideration.
Dashboard mockup


Effortlessly Set Up In No Time!

Effortless Setup, Instant Results

Step 1

Flip the switch in your Localize Integrations dashboard.

Step 2

Identify where your Localize data will reside within Heap.

Step 3

Verify that the language events have been successfully recorded.

Need Help Implementing Localize for

Read our
Integration Guide
in our Help Center

Frequently Asked Questions

Helping 1000+ Companies Go Global

Reduction in time to market
9 in 10
Traffic increase in target languages
Reduction in human translation costs

Ready to translate your website and content faster?

Get started today.