The Big Guide to Global Expansion

Global expansion can take your company to new heights, or it can be a costly mistake. Read our global expansion guide to learn how to mitigate risks and build a successful international launch.

What is a Translation Management System (TMS)?

A translation management system (TMS) is a tool that helps you localize a website, mobile app, or software application for international audiences. A good TMS can transform a hands-on, lengthy translation process into a simple, headache-free workflow. Read on to find out why translation management is important for your localization team.

How to Translate English into French

French is one of the most popular languages on earth, but it can be tricky to translate. Avoid these common pitfalls when translating English into French.

The Ultimate Guide to Real-Time Language Translation

Real-time translation sounds like science fiction, but it’s reality. The latest AI can instantly translate speech from your language into any other language. And accuracy can be as high as 85%. Let’s examine the latest advances and trends in real-time translation.