Why You Should Always Proofread Auto Translated Websites

Presenting a website to a new target audience in their native language can prove invaluable to a company’s success. And, translation from one language to another plays a significant role in the localization process. However,

Marketing in the UAE

Localization for Marketing in the UAE The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is already a large online market and is only going to keep growing. With estimates putting internet users in the UAE at well over

Using Emotional Marketing to Build Your Global Brand

How to Use Emotional Marketing to Build a Global Brand There’s a lot of talk about emotional marketing floating around. There’s no doubt that humans are capable of rational thinking, but often logic or reason

Australia – Think .au

It’s quite an astonishing fact that a huge country like Australia only has a total population of 24 million people, lower than the total population of California. This is in spite of the fact that

Designing Online Courses for a Global Audience

If you wish to scale your business to a global level, then there are a few factors you need to consider right from the start. In the case of developing and selling online courses, selling

The Evolution Of Machine Translation

What is Machine Translation? Machine translation refers to a subfield of computational linguistics. It comprises the use of a software to translate speech/text from one language to another without any human intervention. How did it

Chinese Tourism – How Might it Impact Your Business?

The Chinese are going places, literally! Just consider that in 2017, Chinese tourists numbered 143.04 million and they spent $257.7 billion on international travel. Moreover, these statistics represent a mere 10.7 percent of the overall

Four Languages You Need to Target

In this day and age of globalization we are constantly interacting with people from different countries and different cultures. Be it for work or for social reasons, there is no avoiding crossing borders, even if

How to Identify Markets for Expansion

So, you’re done with the latest localization project. You’ve pretty much expanded into a new territory and have managed to capture the local market. Well, good for you. But, now you’re looking for a new

Global Commerce Trends for 2018

Global Commerce Trends for 2018 With increasing access to the Internet, commerce or rather e-commerce is changing shape to meet the demands of this interconnected world. Consumers are getting connected globally and are thus becoming more aware

Creating a Scalable Translation Strategy

Content marketing can be quite a complex affair. As a marketer, you need to work with a wide range of content formats to make your content marketing strategies as effective as possible. Statistics tell us

7 Tips to Align Your Offerings with Global Audiences

Gone are the days when businesses only catered to a local clientele or worked within a single country. Today, even small businesses and startups have a presence in many countries with a huge customer base.

How to Translate your eCommerce Retail Store

To grow your on-line store for new international markets, it is important to pay attention to translating your site into other languages. Prospective customers are always more comfortable browsing and shopping for products in their

Why a Cohesive Brand Voice is Important

Perhaps you’re about to take the first leap in turning your exciting entrepreneurial ideas into a brand new business. Or, maybe you’re a well established company looking to expand your business into the global marketplace.

5 Ways to Use Emojis in International Marketing

Emojis are small digital pictures designed to express emotions, feelings, or concepts without using text or sound. The power of these little icons is so remarkable that brands are increasingly using emojis in international marketing