How to Convince Your C-Suite About Translating Content

Learn how to effectively pitch localization to the C-suite by identifying an executive champion, tailoring presentations to each chief officer, highlighting ROI, and fostering stakeholder support. Gain insights on strategic planning and overcoming challenges in the global business landscape.

How to Convince Your C-Suite About Translating Content
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The average business exists in a much more competitive world than it did previously. There are several strategies and tactics that it must rely on to survive in a global business landscape. One tactic is to localize content and do it fast.

But, here’s the issue: Businesses need the approval of decision makers to take the next step. To put it in a more straightforward way, localization success is dependent on an “executive champion”. This is the c-level executive that has the most to offer and benefit from localization.

So, it’s obvious that this is the person you need to identify and approach. But, how do you do that? Presenting them with the numbers is fine, but what you also need is a strategic plan. More importantly, you need to realize that all stakeholders need to support the idea. It’s not just that one particular executive.

Not seeking everybody’s support leads to decision making that is contradictory and out of sync. Your localization strategy needs to be presented in the boardroom where everybody can see and realize the need to cooperate for the common good.

So, here are a few ideas for your pitch.

Different Strokes for Different Folks

When presenting your plans to the c-suite, it is best to consider what each executive considers important and what their duties are. By creating presentations that draw in on individual goals, it becomes much easier to produce overall acceptance and cooperation.

So, let’s look at how each “chief” needs to be approached

  • The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO): The CMO’s goal is, to put it simply, keep the customer happy and have them coming back for more. So, his/her approach is going to be on creating content that is personalized and relevant. However, as usual, there are bound to be challenges such as slow turnaround, low quality, the inability of the content to suit new markets, and an inability to measure the impact of the content. This is where you come in and show how localization can overcome some of these challenges by providing the customer with a native experience. The next step is to show how localization tools will be needed to achieve this in an effective and cost-efficient manner. Use facts and figures to sound more convincing. For instance, talk about how 90% of consumers prefer to visit websites that are in their native language.
  • The Chief Sales Officer (CSO): The CSO’s goals are to meet sales targets, boost revenue, and bring in new customers. So, it’s clear you need his/her approval. After all, you’re talking about the one person who practically shapes the customer experience. Now, localization has a direct impact on customer experience, but the CSO needs to see how it directly translates to more sales and revenue. So, present a localization strategy that covers the need for analytics, analysts, and KPI development that is necessary for acquiring data and measuring the impact of localized content.
  • The Chief Technology Officer (CTO): The CTO’s goal is to innovate, research, develop, and invest strategically. When it comes to localization, the CTO is your “go-to” person for all your technological needs. He/she’s the one who will guide you on what tools are best suited for your localization objectives. So, it’s not hard to see how to get the CRO’s approval. Talk about how machine learning and AI can boost globalization by making your content management systems more efficient.
  • The Chief Procurement Officer (CPO): The CPO’s job is to look at supplier performance, build strategic partnerships, and create value. This is the person who will be assessing your localization vendors. So, it’s important that you engage with the CPO when requesting for new services. This will help you identify the roadblocks affecting the company’s globalization efforts. Discuss how a partner that provides an end-to-end localization service, in-market expertise, and advanced technology will benefit the localization process by streamlining it. Point out how this partnership will also help the organization scale.

Get the Message Across

ROI is what these executives will seek out at the end of the day. So, make sure you cover that. Don’t beat around the bush and get to the point.

Also, make sure your goals are achievable. Highlight the ones that are easy to achieve i.e. small in scope and low-risk. This is how you’ll get them to commit the initial amount of resources.

Be transparent about how the resources are being spent. Discuss how you’re going to fix issues, when and if they arise.

Finally, use the right data to back up your claims. These need to be strong metrics. Maybe you’ll need hard numbers or predictive analytics. Figure out which one would work best for your case.

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Nima Henry
Nima Henry
Content Writer

At Localize, our passionate writers explore a wide range of localization topics, from technology trends to cultural insights. With diverse backgrounds in various fields, they bring unique perspectives to their articles, aiming to inform and inspire our readers.

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