Creating a Scalable Translation Strategy

Content marketing can be quite a complex affair. As a marketer, you need to work with a wide range of content formats to make your content marketing strategies as effective as possible. Statistics tell us

3 International SEO Things to Do

A primary objective of localization is to expand your business into foreign markets. In today’s online world, that means making your presence felt on the web. That brings us to the topic of international SEO.

Translation Best Practices for Your Checkout Page

You’ve probably spent a ton of effort to make your website as appealing as possible to the local demographic. That’s a great step and you should pat yourself on the back for it. Your local

Why Offer a Native Brand Experience

According to David Ogilvy, a brand isn’t just what you communicate; it is what the customer experiences as a whole. To put it as simply as possible, a customer’s perception of your brand is determined

Why Global Content Strategy Must Go Beyond Sales

In today’s global business landscape, it is necessary for a business to possess a global content strategy. However, a recent piece of research from Research Scape and Skyword shows us that most marketers in the

Why App Translation Matters

If you’re a smartphone user, you obviously know about apps and how many of them flood the market every day. There’s an app for everything today. Want to order food? Get an app for that.

Making Connections to Succeed With Global Expansion

In a globalized world, localization is extremely important. Fortunately, making localization happen isn’t as hard what a lot of businesses imagine it to be. We’ve already been blessed with the necessary tools and technologies to