Best Practice for Measuring Transcreation Quality

Learn the best practices for measuring transcreation quality and ensuring your content resonates emotionally with global audiences. Discover strategies for effective briefing, audience engagement, and feedback collection to achieve successful localization.

Best Practice for Measuring Transcreation Quality
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When localizing a website, it is not enough to just translate the content. The meaning and emotion behind that content also needs to be carried across successfully. The ability to recreate the emotional effect and impact of content in another language is called Transcreation. The quality of the transcreation of-course, depends on how well this recreation has been done. However, transcreation is not the easiest aspect to measure.

Measuring transcreation quality is all about the impact the content is making on the new audience. Does content that evokes laughter in one language do the same when translated to another? Do romantic words have the same soul-stirring effect in English as they did in French? These are the things we need to look out for when measuring transcreation quality, but how do we do that?

Parameters that help in measuring transcreation quality

Goal of the content: To be able to transcreate content it is crucial to first know the purpose or intent of the material. If the content is created to give the viewer a sense of nostalgia, then different cultures would get nostalgic about different things. So, if you want to evoke the feeling of nostalgia for having a meal with the family when the viewer was a child, the translator needs to know that the content is about the feeling of being with family and not about the roast and veggies dinner.

Briefing the transcreator: A transcreator is a translator who transcreates. Where a translator might stick to a more literal translation, a transcreator has the freedom to adapt the content to have the same meaning and convey the same feeling in another language. Briefing the transcreator/ adding additional context on the exact purpose of the content will make it a lot easier for him or her to adapt the content to serve the same purpose in the target language. A roast and veggies dinner can be changed to something that is more apt for a Middle-Eastern family dinner so that it has the desired effect.

Engagement: The next step, which is very crucial to measuring transcreation quality, is testing the content with a sample of the target audience. This engagement is the best way to gauge whether or not the transcreation was successful, and the goal was achieved. It is only when content is shown to the intended audience that it is possible to know what effect on has on them.

Feedback: And finally, to know precisely how successful the transcreation is you need the feedback of the test audience. If they say that they were able to make the emotional connection with content that you intended them to have, then your mission was successful. It is also possible that some of the users felt the connection while others didn't, or the content didn't impact any of them. The insight you receive from the test session will help you to tweak the content as required so that you do achieve your goals.Measuring transcreation quality is all about ensuring that the content delivers its message in the target language.

Why use Localize?Transcreation is about having a better emotional impact on the new target audience; this is a lot easier if your translator is clear about your goal. Using Localize, you'll have tools that let you add context to phrases so that both a translator and transcreator knows the message that you are trying to convey. Our In-context translator tool gives your team a preview into how the translation will look when live on your website/ app, making it easier for them to tweak content for even better accuracy. Contact us to know more.

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Sophia Patrick
Sophia Patrick
Content Writer

At Localize, our passionate writers explore a wide range of localization topics, from technology trends to cultural insights. With diverse backgrounds in various fields, they bring unique perspectives to their articles, aiming to inform and inspire our readers.

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