Why You Should Translate Your App For European Markets

Discover why localizing your app for European markets is crucial. Learn about the rapid growth in app downloads, the necessity of global expansion, and the benefits of localization to expand market share, beat competition, and break cultural barriers.

Why You Should Translate Your App For European Markets
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It’s the age of the apps! Close to 197 billion apps were downloaded globally in 2017 according to a Statista survey. By 2021, experts predict downloads could reach 352 billion worldwide! Apps take up 90% of mobile usage in almost all countries across the globe according to Flurry Mobile Analytics.

On an average in European countries, people use anywhere between ten to twelve apps in a day! Europeans spent close to 66 hours per month browsing on their smart-phones.

Going Global Is Not An Option Anymore

Experts believe in tapping lucrative markets, and going global is “no longer an option”, but is imperative! Not surprisingly, businesses are investing increasingly in establishing new track records in international markets. Small businesses too are breaking new grounds with 58% of US. based companies already having a presence in international shores according to US Forex survey. And what’s more, 72% of the three hundred businesses surveyed have plans to expand their businesses in foreign markets.

This is not surprising at all, given these factors:

  • Two-thirds of global purchasing power lies on foreign shores
  • The “gig economy” where teams can be hired on a contract or freelance basis anywhere across the world is cost-effective and time-saving!
  • Wi-Fi and Skype enable instant connectivity without having to schedule expensive business travels

Why Localization Is Important In European Markets

Although reaching out to European app markets is easy given the huge penetration of mobiles and internet, localization is key to ensuring the apps succeed. Given the diversity of culture and languages spoken across Europe, app developers have to focus on localization to tap into these diverse cultures. German is the most widely spoken, with English and Italian being the second most widely spoken languages. The others include French, Polish and Spanish among others.

For apps to be able to reach the potential markets in various countries across Europe, they need to be in the language and format that is preferred in each geographical location.

The Many Advantages Of Localization

Market expansion: Besides reaching out to the relevant audience in their preferred language, localization helps expand market share whether you are selling products or services. Only 26.3% of internet transactions are in in English and going local is the best way to educate the potential consumers about your product or service. With easy access to internet it is now easier than ever to sell products and services across the globe.

Beat competition: More than 70% of global consumers prefer to browse through sites or apps that is in their local language. When you adapt your product or service to the local needs, you can stay ahead of those competitors who are still stuck on English. Studies show people trust a brand more when the content is in a language that is native to them. Not only this, the search engine optimization in international browsers is optimal when app content is in local language.

Break culture barriers: Localization not only involves reaching out to consumers in a language they are comfortable in, but also adapting to the different cultures. When done right localization can help break culture barriers. Weather conditions, age, color and design preferences are some factors that influence communication in European cultures. Localization also involves understanding varying degrees of sense of humor across various cultures in Europe that can help break culture barriers.

The bottom-line: Expanding app business to European markets is a great way for scaling up the profit ladder. Localization and translation are key considerations when venturing into new markets and help tap into the huge potential of international markets. A keen sense of local cultures and preferences is the most significant factor that can make or break the international endeavors.    

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Nima Henry
Nima Henry
Content Writer

At Localize, our passionate writers explore a wide range of localization topics, from technology trends to cultural insights. With diverse backgrounds in various fields, they bring unique perspectives to their articles, aiming to inform and inspire our readers.

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