Why App Translation Matters

Discover why app translation is crucial for success in the global market. Learn how localization increases downloads, boosts revenue, and establishes your brand. Don't miss out on the benefits of app localization!

Why App Translation Matters
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If you’re a smartphone user, you obviously know about apps and how many of them flood the market every day. There’s an app for everything today. Want to order food? Get an app for that. News? No problem. Jokes? Yup, even that.

Apps have turned smartphones into information hubs. You can access almost anything at any time. Apps have become such an integral part of our lives that imagining even a few minutes without them sends shivers down our spines.

To put it simply, apps are here to stay. That’s excellent news for the average user, but what about the developer? If the market is constantly going to be flooded with apps, how does your own app stand out from the crowd?

Well, there are plenty of ways one can ensure that their app gets the attention it deserves. However, one strategy that developers often put on the backburner is localization. Apps don’t just become hits overnight. There are several factors at play here and one of them is localization.

Localization, in the context of apps, simply has to do with making your app useful to users from other cultures and countries. When you take the extra step to offer the best to your customers, don’t be surprised when they respond positively.

Here are a few reasons why you need to prioritize app localization.

Localization opens up doors to the global market

The world we live in isn’t exactly a mystery anymore. Technology has almost eliminated the physical barriers that kept various cultures apart. However,there are cultural and lingual barriers that still prevent us from completely relating to people from different parts of the world. Until that changes, we will always need to put in a little extra effort to engage with the other person.

To put it simply, if you intend to make an impact in a foreign market with your app, it needs to offer functionalities and features that are preferred in such a market.

By doing so, you manage to establish your brand in a newer market. Continuous and consistent localization is an excellent way to maximize your business territory.

For example, half the world’s app users are in Asia – a continent where most countries still do not speak English. But, they use apps more than anyone else. So, wouldn’t it be smart to target an Asian country by launching the app in a language that could be understood by the local people?

Following this strategy creates a chain reaction where you begin to reap in other benefits. For starters, your sales figures begin to go up. For instance, statistics tell us that the global app user base is set to grow by 4.77 billion in 2017. Imagine being able to penetrate such a vast user base?

Staying relevant

Localization also helps you stay relevant. Around 90% of mobile activity involves app usage. Ironically, most apps are deleted right after they’re downloaded. One reason why this happens is because these apps fail to establish relevance.

Localization also involves making your app relevant. Translation is one thing, but ensuring that your customers can truly use your app is far more important. A radio app that streams only Western channels won’t go down well in India where the majority of the people speak their respective mother tongues. You need to find out what the international market wants and provide features accordingly, while still retaining your app’s primary purpose.

More ROI

A study called “The Impact of App Translations” found that localized iPhone apps reported a 128% increase in download rates. This further led to a 26% boost in revenue. The best part is that it all happened within a week.

On the whole, the simple fact is, localization is the need of the hour. Failure to accept its importance is a sure way to lose the race.

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Nima Henry
Nima Henry
Content Writer

At Localize, our passionate writers explore a wide range of localization topics, from technology trends to cultural insights. With diverse backgrounds in various fields, they bring unique perspectives to their articles, aiming to inform and inspire our readers.

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