Choosing Translation Management Services

Discover the essential factors for choosing a translation management system that meets your business needs. Learn about content memory, vendor independence, integration, workflow adaptability, and scalability for successful localization.

Choosing Translation Management Services
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If the latest statistics from MRRSE are to be believed, the global translation software market will be worth $10 billion in the next 3 years or so.

The reason for this tremendous growth lies in the fact that not all businesses have the capacity to manage localization requirements for multiple markets. To put it simply, they are highly dependent on translation management services.

But, as the market for translation management systems grows, it offers up a plethora of choices. This, in itself, becomes a challenge for business, as they are forced to assess an almost infinite number of systems. But, how does a company decide which system is the best?

Well, here are a few factors that can be considered.

Content Memory

Have you ever wondered what happens to the original content once it has been translated? Well, if you haven’t, you better start asking questions. Good translation management systems come with translation memory. What this feature does is that it maintains a continuous record of all the translation work you have ever carried out.

As a result, you are saved from having to re-translate every line of new content that comes in. Additionally, the cost and other issues associated with translation are done away with.

However, be careful about providers who insist that the content memory belongs to them. Look for providers who understand that content always belongs to the creator and that they must have free access to it.

Vendor Dependence

One of the key requirements of a good translation management system is that it must not be dependent on one vendor. It should not prevent your business from working with a range of vendors, which, is necessary if you want good content delivered at all times.

To make sure your investment is worth it, look for a system that allows you to switch between cloud-based translation solutions and professional translation services.

A restrictive provider is usually one who doesn’t trust their own codes.

Interoperability and Integration

Effective translation management systems come with built-in features that allow synchronization with other applications such as e-learning systems and content management systems. This results in higher efficiency and quicker deployment.

Apart from quick data transfers, actions executed on one side are reflected on the other, instantly. Plus, you also have the advantage of being able to collaborate with newer systems when the need arises.

Workflow Changes

Flexibility is a major requirement for global organizations, especially for ones that have complex workflow processes. If you’re such a business, then, make it a point to choose a translation management system that allows workflow changes mid-process.

This prevents workflow interruption and also ensures that errors are corrected in due time.


As soon as you place yourself into a new market, you’re obviously going to implement a positioning strategy. Now, that means you need to make sure not a second is wasted. This is especially true for situations involving underserved markets that might need translation assistance.

But, with the inclusion of new markets comes exponential growth.

So, just like any other system, your translation management system needs to grow with your business. In other words, it needs to be scalable.

After all, effective localized content is delivered by providers that boast of a global content network. These global content networks have the ability to extract data from various sources and at the same time, deliver a responsive web experience to consumers in the new market.

These are a just a few of the considerations to be made when choosing a proper translation management software. As developers continue to offer better solutions, we will probably see systems that offer more advanced functions.

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Nima Henry
Nima Henry
Content Writer

At Localize, our passionate writers explore a wide range of localization topics, from technology trends to cultural insights. With diverse backgrounds in various fields, they bring unique perspectives to their articles, aiming to inform and inspire our readers.

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