Localize Your Marketing with Spanglish

Boost your marketing reach by implementing a Spanglish strategy! Learn how to authentically connect with a wider audience and personalize content for different regions.

Localize Your Marketing with Spanglish
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Having a dual language marketing strategy is immensely beneficial in today’s globalized world. It is a quick and sure shot way of increasing your customer base. By adding language and culture of another location to your marketing layout you capture a whole new demographic. A total of 410 million people speaks Spanish as their native tongue and many more as a secondary language. That’s a total of 5.9% of the world’s population. Spanglish, as the name suggests is Spanish terms and phrases mixed with English. It presents a casual, conversational style of presentation that is catchy to the customer. English has always been rising as the dominant international language. Even among Hispanics, English has shown an increasing popularity. By interspersing it with Spanish, businesses can increase the scope of their target audience. Major brands like Hyundai, ESPN and Corona play Spanglish advertisements during football world cups.

Authenticity is the key

Hispanics speak in Spanglish quite often. It is so natural that they don’t even realize they are doing it. Spanglish marketing strategies must incorporate these authentic notes in their marketing content. This way, customers can engage emotionally with their product. Making a note of colloquial patterns and lingo is important. Sentences must flow smoothly in both languages. Paying attention to cultural values of various Spanish speaking nations is critical. No aspect of your marketing can appear offensive to your customer. All of this cannot be achieved through translation alone.

One must personalize one’s content accordingly. Targeted images and videos that reflect the culture allow customers of those regions to instantly connect with your content.

Your region matters

Being mindful of your region not only ensures authenticity of content as mentioned above but is also vital in determining how popular Spanglish is going to be. Spain, for example, will not be as receptive to Spanglish and English phrases as the Latin American countries. Make a note of individual styles of each region and frame your content in as many diverse ways as possible. Paying tribute to individual countries like Mexico, Peru, Cuba is a difficult task, but ,if accomplished, can have a huge impact on viewership and customer response.

Incorporate demographic data

Utilizing user profile information, demographic spread, behavioral data of various regions and geo-location techniques can help in streamlining your bi-lingual marketing strategy. This ensures personalization of content along with removing any possibility of cultural mishap.

Anglicize according to your product

The type of product you are marketing has an influence on the variety of Spanglish that you use. If your product is too formal in nature, then going for plain English might be a better idea. The American audience is usually a good sample to try some Spanglish content. Any random English word cannot be given a Spanish flavor. While juxtaposing words of phrases, the Spanish aspect of your language must be clear. A lot of advertisements obscure the real meaning of their behind failed attempts at Spanglish. The meaning transmitted to the viewer must be simple and clear.

Going beyond text

Every culture resonates with a certain color palette. They have their own culturally significant imageries and symbolisms. Every country is abundant with various insignias of its unique culture. Incorporating these in your marketing message will ensure mass appeal in those countries. As mentioned before images and videos can have a strong effect in attracting viewers. Multimedia, portraying such cultural icons alongside your product will make viewers feel right at home. Watch out for their local celebrities and cultural icons. Try incorporating them in your agenda. This will greatly boost your approval in a foreign crowd.

Expressing advertisement in a world of blended cultures is effective in staying relevant.

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