Localize vs. Competitors

Discover why Localize is the preferred choice for global marketing localization. Learn how our innovative technology, ease of use, and scalability set us apart from competitors like Weglot and Smartling.

Localize vs. Competitors
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Marketing needs to have a global flavor today and that is not just because the internet has made the entire world your audience. For the most part, irrespective of your product, service or business niche, it pays to have a marketing strategy that takes into consideration the customers from all over the world. Of course, it is also very important to align your marketing, in particular, your content to the local audiences everywhere so that your reach is efficient and it translates into conversions effectively.

One of the biggest challenges you face when you localize is that you are competing with the businesses that are already present in that niche, i.e.: the local businesses. Here are a few areas where you may start out with a disadvantage:


We concede that there ARE challenges that you will face when you come up against local businesses and some of them may be difficult to overcome too. Thankfully, with Localize in your corner of the ring, you can leave all these worries to us.

Why choose Localize over other similar services?

The fact is that Localize has differentiated itself significantly from its peers and competitors by bringing in innovative technology that takes localization well beyond mere translation services. This is exactly why top brands like Microsoft and Uber rely on us for their localization solutions. Look at some of the things that make us better than our peers:

  1. We have a feature- packed translation system that is capable of supporting ALL REQUESTED LANGUAGES.  With a service like Transifex, you have access to tools that help you translate, but with us, we give you solutions, not means to come up with the solution yourself. And unlike Bablic or Smartling, where the dependence on human translators is heavy and thus restrictive, Localize has no such limitations.  
  2. Our proprietary CDD system (Content Detection and Delivery) gives us our biggest edge over competitors. It fits seamlessly into your existing technology, meaning that you have no extra investment to bear. With most of our competitors you can look forward to a hefty capital expenditure when you set up a multilingual site plus the allocation of valuable engineering resources in the task. With Localize, you do NOT need technical help at all to localize your brand.
  3. Hassle free and intuitive are the words that come to mind when Localize is handling the job. Unlike our competitor Bablic, where you may be asked to go through the cumbersome process of selecting whether you want to opt for human, machine or manual translation, Localize does the job intuitively so that you get the best possible solutions.
  4. Built to adapt to your brand as it grows, Localize is more than a mere translation tool which is what you get with our competitors like Bablic and Smartling. Our scalability exceeds industry standards and allows us to give you a truly flexible, adaptable and viable localization tool that periodically audits itself for quality. The choice is yours- do you want to invest in a translator tool from one of our competitors or a valuable business tool that can yield far more effective results across the range of localization services?

Customer is king in today’s marketplace more than ever so. When you understand this you target your localization efforts in the right ways. Combined with the right tools it become simple to overtake any market who may have some advantage stemming from their familiarity of the locality.

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Content Writer

At Localize, our passionate writers explore a wide range of localization topics, from technology trends to cultural insights. With diverse backgrounds in various fields, they bring unique perspectives to their articles, aiming to inform and inspire our readers.

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