How WOW Cyclothon Brings Awareness To Their Cause Beyond Iceland

Discover how WOW Cyclothon, Iceland’s largest road race, combines team building with charitable fundraising. Learn how they expanded their reach globally with Localize, translating their website to support multiple languages.​

How WOW Cyclothon Brings Awareness To Their Cause Beyond Iceland
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About Our Event

WOW Cyclothon is the largest event in number and the longest road race in Iceland. You might assume our event is exclusive to cycle enthusiasts, but a large number of groups actually participate because our 1358 km event naturally integrates team building while being able to also give back to the community.

Each year, we carefully select a non-profit/ cause to raise funds for. We have chosen charities such as Hjólakraftur, The National University Hospital of Iceland, The Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue, and Save The Children Iceland. Our cyclists begin the competition long before the actual race by taking part in collecting pledges to raise the largest contribution. The team with the largest amount raised wins the Pledge Award.

How Localize helped us expand our reach

For events like WOW Cyclothon to grow, we needed to look further than our local market. With only 350k people living in Iceland, our potentials were limited. We decided to first start with both redesigning and localizing our website in order to offer multi-language support and in turn, give our event the reach we were after.

As a non-profit, our funds were limited to achieve this goal and this became a bit of a challenge, until we found Localize. We were able to utilize an inexpensive website service like Squarespace to build a simple but beautiful website, while Localize enabled us to integrate and add English to our website very quickly. We have in-house translators that were able to start adding in translations practically right away. Before we knew it, our website was translated into multiple languages pain-free.

Localize’s platform is easy to maintain and manage and we highly recommend their service.

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Jamie Ward
Jamie Ward
Content Writer

At Localize, our passionate writers explore a wide range of localization topics, from technology trends to cultural insights. With diverse backgrounds in various fields, they bring unique perspectives to their articles, aiming to inform and inspire our readers.

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